
Although I’ve been inspired by many different subjects in the past, I’ve recently started to paint water all the time. I’m fascinated by its movement and the reflections that it creates.
Oils and pastels are my favourite media.My observation has become a lot sharper since becoming an artist, and I take a lot of photos. 
Ushaw is a lovely place to have a studio, and it’s great to share it with Denise and Graham.


I consider myself fortunate that a scientific career also provided me with an opportunity for creativity. Producing the illustrations within a report or designing its cover was a small but enjoyable part of any project; clean and precise, bound by the constraints and conventions of technical publications.
These days I paint and draw for the pleasure of creating an image, usually in acrylics or more often in soft pastels, inspired by the landscapes and wildlife of the North East. My current work is a series of pastel paintings of some of the birds and animals near to my home in Teesdale.
I love the immediacy of the medium and use a number of tools and techniques, my fingers, or whatever comes to hand for mark making and blending. A good day can be quite a messy day! Each subject is an individual with its own personality and I want to capture that moment when you look into their eyes and make a connection.


I approach each canvas with an open mind and with no expectations on which technique to use. I learn by experimenting with different mediums and subject matter’, my favourite at the moment being oils. 
My inspiration rises from many sources one of which being in nature and the beautifull coastal areas of the north east. My joy in painting is in loosing myself in the process’ and the possibilities available rather than the resolutions of pre-concieved ideas.
I feel a great sense of serenity and wellbeing from from the process of painting.